Difference between Seed Cotton and Cotton Seed_| Plant and Diseases Agriculture

2022-08-23 307

Difference between Seed Cotton and Cotton Seed
Difference between Seed Cotton and Cotton Seed_| Plant and Diseases Agriculture

Seed Cotton means cotton as it comes from the field prior to ginning. Seed Cotton means raw cotton containing seed and lint that has been harvested from a field, but has not been ginned. Seed Cotton means the lint and seed derived from the ball of the Gossypium plant.
What is cotton seed called?
cottonseed, seed of the cotton plant, important commercially for its oil and other products.
How many types of cotton seeds are there?
There are four cultivated species of cotton viz. Gossypium arboreum, G. herbaceum, G. hirsutum and G.
Is there a seed in cotton?
The cotton boll is classified as a fruit because it contains seeds. As the bolls develop, the leaves on the plant turn red. About four months are needed for the boll to ripen and split open. A cotton boll contains 27 to 45 seeds and each seed grows between 10,000 and 20,000 hairs or fibers.
